Functional Medicine
“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in
the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”.
Thomas Edison
Through the blend of Chiropractic Wellness and Functional Medicine principles, we are excited to offer a new and exciting, holistic, proactive and evidence-based approach to healthcare.
Our functional approach to healthcare identifies and addresses modern-day lifestyle influences that lead to chronic disease, and the application of functional medicine principles for optimal function, health and wellness.
Wellness healthcare is different
Functional Medicine is gaining an increasing popularity within the medical and natural health disciplines because of its refreshing holistic approach to healthcare. It primarily focuses on the cause of disharmony within the body, identifying your level of function and improving it towards your true potential, towards your optimum, and not merely on the reduction or suppression of the symptoms of dis-ease.
A healthy, wellness, lifestyle incorporates an appropriate balance of physical movement/ exercise (Physical); good mental health strategies (Emotional) and fresh, wholefood nutrition with low chemical toxicity (Chemical).
So how is this approach different? What can I expect?
The first thing you will notice is that a lot more time is allocated to your appointments than you may receive from a conventional healthcare provider. Typically, our appointments range from 30 – 90 minutes.
We regard the initial consultation as our most important appointment as it involves exploring you, your health history and your lifestyle choices. It’s through this process that we can build a picture of your health journey, your health goals and your health challenges.
It’s important to start with a detailed health and medical history; your past and current symptoms; diet, nutrition and lifestyle habits; and physical, mental and emotional stressors. Most of this information is gained via a detailed health form/ questionnaire completed and returned before your initial consultation.

We may consider additional laboratory testing to gain additional information about your health status and to get a better understanding of your current challenges. This may also include gaining consent to access and review tests already taken by other health practitioners prior to our initial consultation.
Usually by the end of the initial consultation we can begin the process of implementing your individual physical, nutritional and lifestyle changes towards your health goals. This process is then followed up with ongoing support and follow-up consultations.
Think tortoise and the hare
Healing can take time- not really a surprise when health issues usually develop over some time too! Sound interesting?
Disclaimer: A functional medicine practitioner is not a medical practitioner or medical doctor. As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP), the practitioner does not diagnose, treat or cure any medical pathology and does not prescribe or recommend any drugs or medicine.